Sunday, 18 September 2011

Quickly Create a Playlist of All Your Songs

Just a quick tip when creating playlists. If you have a folder and you want to create a playlist that will play all the media files within that folder, you can simply fire up any text editor, type in the directory path and save the file as an 'm3u' type. Most media players will recognise the format and play all the songs within that directory, including all the sub-directories.

Step by step:

- Open a text editor (e.g. Notepad)

- Type in "C:\Music\" (of course, replace that with wherever your music is stored :). Don't add the speech marks)

- Save the file, making sure the extension is ".m3u".

- Double click the file, or load it from your media player, and you should now have a playlist that contains every song in that folder. 

I've created a playlist on my Mac that points to my Windows PC (which has all my music) so that I can stream all the songs from the PC quickly and not have to copy the songs to my Mac. I simply run the 'm3u' file and it opens in VLC player and starts playing all the songs on my PC.

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